Wednesday, February 3, 2010

This cracked me up!

I found this earlier today randomly and thought it was apropos for this blog. I feel their pain!

Trying to stay motivated...

I currently have 3 days off during the middle of the week. This is nice in some respects because I can get a lot done (in theory) but it can be rather boring as no one else I know in the city is off usually. Sometimes my sister-in-law and I have a day off at the same time and that's fun but it's not always a guarantee.

I've been struggling with staying motivated to get things done during these days off. Whether it's cleaning the apartment, job hunting, updating this blog, etc. I recently found a blog from one of the (former) writers for Conan's Tonight Show. He said he has made a rule for his recent unemployment: pants on by 10:00 AM. No exceptions. I am hereby adopting this rule for myself.